Isotopes in Hydrology: Building a Scientific Basis for Water Resource Management
Isotopes of light elements (O, H, C) are powerful tracers of the water
cycle, often providing unique information on hydrological, climatological
and ecological processes. Isotope applications in hydrology are based on the
general concept of tracing the distribution or "fingerprints" of naturally
occurring, environmental isotopes at different spatial and temporal scales.
Isotopes in global precipitation are used for understanding climate-water
cycle relationships. Applications in groundwater hydrology are the most
widespread as groundwater provides more than half of the world's freshwater
supply. Fossil groundwater sustains a significant portion of the current
food production by irrigated agriculture, as well as contributes to
dry-weather flow of rivers. Groundwater also is a more reliable source of
freshwater under changing climatic conditions. Yet, comprehensive aquifer
assessments are lacking in many parts of the world. Isotopes and fundamental
aspects of aquifer hydrogeology, including recharge, groundwater-surface
water interactions, and the extent and distribution of fossil groundwater
remain poorly characterized. In this presentation, I will discuss some of
these issues with a focus on age dating of groundwater by using carbon-14,
and noble gas isotopes.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule