Study of low energy heavy-ion reactions with exotic and stable nuclei at University of Huelva
Low energy radioactive beams are currently used elsewhere for the study of
reaction dynamics and the process of sub-barrier fusion of exotic nuclei.
Close to the drip lines, the loosely bound valence nucleons and their
extended wave functions give rise to new phenomena, like exotic cluster
structures, pigmy dipole resonances and the formation of skins and haloes.
The scattering cross sections show a long-range absorption effect which is
dominated by the dipole polarizability and the couplings to the continuum.
This complex scenario has been investigated by our group in several
experiments performed at the CRC facility at Louvain-la Neuve (Belgium),
TRIUMF (Vancouver) and GANIL(France).
On the other hand, the University of Huelva has initiated the establishment
of a heavy ion research facility, the LInac Research Facility (LRF) at the
Energy Research Center of the University of Huelva (Spain). LRF will be a
multi-user facility dedicated to basic research and applied physics. The
design can be based on an intense ECR ion source over a 400 KV
high-voltage platform, followed by a low energy RFQ and the combination of
five RF super-conducting accelerating sections as developed at ATLAS (ANL,
USA). Ion production will range from proton beams of 2 mA at 70MeV, up to
stable Xe isotopes of 15 uA > 10 A MeV. Intense proton and deuteron beams
will be used to feed an IGISOL ion source where basic research with
artificial ions will be carried out.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule