Unambiguous evidence for the second 2+ state in 12C obtained using the 12C + γ → 3 α reaction at the HIγS facility
The second 2+ state in 12C, predicted to exist over fifty years
ago as an excitation of the Hoyle state, has been unambiguously identified
in the 12C(γ,α)8Be reaction using the
intense, nearly mono-energetic γ-ray beams available at the HIγS
facility and an optical time-projection-chamber to detect the outgoing
α-particles. E1 and E2 cross sections as well as their relative
phases were determined from complete angular distributions measured between
9.1 and 10.7 MeV. In addition to the structure in the cross section, the
behavior of the relative phase confirms the existence of the second 2+
state in 12C. The energy, width and B(E2) to the ground state
were determined. Possible implications on the structure of the Hoyle state
will be discussed. A brief summary of the current and near-future
performance characteristics of the HIγS facility will also be presented.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule