For the past decade, decay spectroscopy experiments with low-energy (~30 keV) radioactive ion beams from the Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) facility at TRIUMF have been performed with the 8pi gamma-ray spectrometer. The development of an in-vacuum tape transport system and auxiliary beta-particle and conversion electron detection systems enabled a broad spectrum of nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetries research with the 8pi spectrometer, despite its relatively modest absolute gamma-ray photopeak detection efficiency (~1% at 1.33 MeV). In this presentation, I will discuss a number of recent highlights from the decay spectroscopy program at ISAC, as well as look to the future of this program with the new high-efficiency GRIFFIN gamma-ray spectrometer that replaced the 8pi spectrometer in 2014, performed its first commissioning experiments in the final months of 2014, and will enter full scientific operation at ISAC in the spring and summer of 2015.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule