The ReAccelerator ReA3 is a worldwide unique, state-of-the-art reaccelerator for rare isotope beams. Beams of rare isotopes are produced and separated in-flight at the NSCL Coupled Cyclotron Facility and subsequently stopped in a gas cell. The rare isotopes are then continuously extracted as 1+ (or 2+) ions and transported into a beam cooler and buncher, followed by a charge breeder based on an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT). In the charge breeder, the ions are ionized to a charge state suitable for acceleration in the superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) linac, extracted in a pulsed mode and mass analyzed. The extracted beam is bunched to 80.5 MHz and then accelerated to energies ranging from 300 keV/u up to 6 MeV/u, depending on their charge-to-mass ratio. Alternatively, stable isotope ions can be accelerated by injecting stable gas in the EBIT. ReA3 was commissioned recently with stable 40Ar and 39K as well as with the rare isotope beams of 46Ar and 46K. This contribution will focus on the properties and techniques used to stop, accelerate and control rare beams and will show results obtained during the preparation of the two first experiments using the ReA facility.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule