In the past two decades, the theoretical description of atomic nuclei has changed due to ideas from effective field theory (EFT) and the renormalization group (RG), and due to advances in computing. Ideas from EFT and RG guide the systematical construction of nuclear Hamiltonians and currents, and the quantification of theoretical uncertainties. The increase in computing power allowed theorists to solve the resulting Hamiltonians even for medium mass and heavy nuclei. This seminar presents recent results (and new predictions) from ab initio computations of rare isotopes of calcium, nickel, and tin. For nuclei in the mass 100 region, the EFT description in terms of quadrupole vibrations is consistent with data within experimental and theoretical uncertainties for several even-even isotopes (Pd, Ru, Cd) and their odd-mass neighbors (Rh, Ag).
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule