High-resolution laser spectroscopy applied at radio-active ion beam facilities is a unique tool to systematically measure spins, electromagnetic moments and mean-square charge radii from the stable species up to the exotic regions of the chart of nuclides. Since these observables are sensitive to single-particle as well as collective effects, they provide valuable input to characterize and understand the evolution of nuclear structure along the isotopic chain, in particular, in nuclei far from stability.
First, the basics of collinear laser spectroscopy will be introduced and an overview of the ISOLDE facility at CERN will be given. Afterwards, the power of the technique will be illustrated by a selection of recent results from the COLLAPS experiment. Specifically, the development of deformation in the Mn isotopes towards N = 40 and the evidence for shape coexistence in 79 Zn will be discussed.
Argonne Physics Division Seminar Schedule