We have computed one-nucleon spectroscopic overlaps in light nuclei by using the Green's function Monte Carlo wave functions. The realistic Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Illinois-7 three-nucleon interactions were used to generate the nuclear states. The overlap functions are used to obtain spectroscopic factors and asymptotic normalization coefficients, and they can serve as an input for a variety of reaction calculations.
The A=6,7 results given here are for "Type I" wave functions. For more details, see I. Brida, S. C. Pieper, and R. B. Wiringa, "Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of spectroscopic overlaps in A≤7 nuclei," Phys. Rev. C. 84, 024319 (2011) or (arXiv:1106.3121v1 [nucl-th]).
7He(3/2-,g.s.) → 6He(0+,g.s.) + n
7Li(3/2-,g.s.) → 6He(0+,g.s.) + p
7Li(3/2-,g.s.) → 6Li(1+,g.s.) + n
7Be(3/2-,g.s.) → 6Li(1+,g.s.) + p
Here are single-nucleon densities for some of the nuclear wave functions used above:Ivan Brida
Last update 18 June 2014