ATLAS In-Flight Radioactive Ion Beams

An expansion of the ATLAS radioactive beam program has taken place through the installation of a dedicated in-flight separator consisting of a magnetic chicane, an RF sweeper, and a buncher/rebuncher resonator. These series of devices allow for improved transmission of radioactive beams produced in-flight providing access to new regions of secondary beams at ATLAS, both higher in mass and further from stabilitiy. Additionally, short-lived in-flight beams will be available for all experimental target areas including those that are currently accesible, the SPS, MUSIC, and HELIOS, as well as newly available areas such as Gammasphere, the FMA, Gretina, and AGFA.

Click on a topic below for additional details. Please direct any comments or questions to Calem Hoffman.

In-Flight Beam Rates

Separator Design

Accelerator Layout