Experimental Equipment Information
There are several major pieces of experimental equipment at ATLAS. These are listed below along with contact information for the system experts:
- Gammasphere
(Mike Carpenter)
- Fragment Mass Analyzer
(Darek Seweryniak)
- Helical Orbit Spectrometer (HELIOS)
(Calem Hoffman)
- Enge Split Pole Spectrograph (SPSIII)
(Melina Avila or Ernst Rehm)
- Canadian Penning Trap
(Jason Clark or Guy Savard)
- Large Scattering Chamber (ATSCAT)
(Shaofei Zhu)
- Atom Trap at ATLAS
(Peter Mueller)
- Argonne Gas Filled Analyzer (AGFA)
(Birger Back or Darek Seweryniak)
There are additional auxiliary detectors at ATLAS that may be useful to outside Users of ATLAS. For additional information, please contact the ATLAS User Liaison ([email protected]).