History & Biography - Physics Division Colloquium

ANL Physics Division Colloquia on

History & Biography

28 May 1982 Morton Hamermesh, Minnesota, Some Physics Research at Argonne (1948-1982)

10 Jan 1986 G. T. Emery, Indiana U., The Literature of Physics
17 Jan 1986 Harry Lipkin, Weizmann and ANL Physics Div., The Impact of the Discovery of the Antiproton

6 Jan 1989 Eric Lynn, ANL Physics Div. and AERE, 50 Years of Nuclear Fission

2 Feb 1990 Johan Van Klinken, U. of Michigan, History of Electron Polarization and Parity Violation
27 Apr 1990 Max Dresden, SLAC, The Dawn of Gauge Theories
18 May 1990 Helmut Rechenberg, Northwestern U., The Secret German Uranium Project (1939-1945)

21 Sep 1990 John W. Dawson, Jr., Penn State U., The American Career of Kurt Goedel
29 Mar 1991 Albert Wattenberg, U. of Illinois, Urbana, Nuclear Physics at the Argonne National Laboratory in the 1940's

1 Nov 1991 Alexei Abrikosov, ANL Materials Science Div., Landau: His Life and Achievements
17 Apr 1992 Alexei Abrikosov, ANL Materials Science Div., Superconductivity: History and Modern State

7 Mar 1994 Morton Hamermesh, U. of Minnesota, Recollections about Jim Monahan and his Work

7 Oct 1994 Sharon Bertsch-McGrayne, Author, Nobel Prize Women in Science

29 Mar 1996 Lowell Bollinger, ANL Physics Div., An Incomplete History of the Argonne Physics Division
19 Apr 1996 Albert Wattenberg, U. of Illinois, Urbana, Enrico Fermi and Physics at Argonne in the 1940s
7 Jun 1996 Glenn T. Seaborg, LBNL, Chemical Research with New Elements at the Chemistry Division

21 Mar 1997 Helena Pycior, U. of Wisconsin, Marie and Pierre Curie as Scientific Collaborators: A Century of Interpretation and Reinterpretation
2 May 1997 Bernd Crasemann, U. of Oregon, X-Rays in Atomic Physics -- Then and Now

20 Mar 1998 Laurie M. Brown, Northwestern U., The Hundred-Year-Old Electron and the Nucleus: A History
27 May 1998 Jolie Cizewski, ANL Physics Div. and Rutgers U., The Magic Numbers of Maria Goeppert-Mayer: Past, Present, and Future

23 Apr 1999 Michael Riordan, SLAC, The Invention of the Transistor

27 Sep 2002 J. David Jackson, UC Berkeley and LBNL, Historical Roots of Gauge Invariance
22 Nov 2002 >Walter Kutschera, U. of Vienna, Isotope Studies of the Alpine Iceman Oetzi

27 Feb 2004 Spencer Wells, National Geographic Society, The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey
4 Jun 2004 Lynne Osman Elkin, California State U. at Hayward, Rosalind Franklin and the Double Helix

13 May 2005 Walter Kutschera, U. of Vienna, Synchronizing cultures in the past: Pushing methods of natural sciences and humanities to their limits

21 Sep 2006 various, various, Nuclear Physics: The Core of Matter, The Fuel of Stars A Symposium celebrating John Schiffer's 50 years at Argonne
16 Feb 2007  Gordon Baym, U. of Illinois, The Uncertainty Principals: Bohr and Heisenberg from Copenhagen to "Copenhagen"

21 Sep 2007  John P. Schiffer, ANL Physics Div., Perspectives on Nuclear Physics over the Past 100 Years
8 Feb 2008  Peter G. O. Freund, U. of Chicago, A Passion for Discovery

29 May 2009  Murray Peshkin, ANL Physics Div., Reflections on Wartime Los Alamos and Some of Its People

11 Mar 2011  Thomas Levenson, MIT, Isaac Newton and the Counterfeiter: Greed, Crime and the Birth of the Modern Idea of Money

9 Sep 2011  John P. Schiffer, ANL Physics Div., 100th Anniversary of the Nucleus

9 Nov 2012  Dietrich Müller, U. of Chicago, Hundred Years of Cosmic Rays: Some Reflections on the Research in Chicago
24 May 2013  Peter J. Lu, Harvard U., Modern math in medieval Islamic architecture

16 May 2014  William Noel, U. of Pennsylvania, EUREKA! The Archimedes Palimpsest

17 Oct 2014  Mark A. Berhow, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Peoria, Illinois, Missiles in Chicago's Backyards: The US Army Nike Missile Defense System of 1950-1975


Previous Seasons of the ANL Physics Division Colloquium

ANL Physics Division Colloquium Schedule