2012 |
New picture of atomic nucleus emerges
When most of us think of an atom, we think of tiny electrons whizzing around a stationary, dense nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, collectively known as nucleons. A collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne and Thomas Jefferson National Laboratories has demonstrated just how different reality is from our simple picture. More »
Krypton-81 isotope can help map underground waterways
Cataloguing underground waterways, some of which extend for thousands of miles, has always been difficult—but Argonne scientists are mapping them with some unusual equipment: lasers and a rare isotope. More »
2011 |
A stream of highly unusual ions shot through a tiny nozzle at 76 million miles per hour—and CARIBU, a facility designed to study special nuclei normally only created in stars, officially opened for business. See the corresponding Argonne News article for more information. CARIBU has also been featured on DOE's EnergyBlog.
Atom Trap Trace Analysis has reached new sensitivity limits in measuring the abundance of argon-39, a desirable isotope for dating environmental samples on the time scale of a few hundred years. More » |
2010 |
"New Scientist" reports on a recent publication in Physical Review C concerning the contribution of quarks and gluons to the vacuum energy of the universe. "In our picture, quarks and gluons can't flutter in and out of existence unless they are inside hadrons" explains co-author Craig Roberts of Argonne National Laboratory. This insight might help in solving the puzzle of dark energy. more ... |
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have pushed the limits of charge breeding and broken a long-standing world record for ionization efficiency of solids. more ... |