Registration & Site Access
All workshop participants must complete the following two steps: 1) the SITE ACCESS form; and 2) workshop REGISTRATION. See details below.
Site Access
All visitors to Argonne must apply for a gate pass to obtain site access. This process is separate from the workshop registration. Please complete the site access/gate pass application HERE. For the "Sponsor E-mail" use the address of Debbie Beres ([email protected]) and then click "Verify Sponsor E-mail".
Because of new DOE/Laboratory policies, workshop attendees who are not US citizens must submit an up to date Curriculum Vitae during the gate pass application process. Laboratory guidelines state that: "CV's must provide all science and technology specialties, all work positions with no gaps in time, and current/accurate names of all academic institutions attended." If you have any questions please email Debbie Beres ([email protected]).
Workshop Registration
Please note, because the workshop is now less than two weeks away, if you are not a US citizen or do not already have on-site access to Argonne, please do not register for the workshop without first contacting Debbie Beres ([email protected]). This is because there may now not be sufficient time to process your on-site access.
Please register for the workshop here:

A link to the gate pass/site access form will be in the workshop registration confirmation email, or you can follow the link above.
Accommodation should be booked independent of the registration process. See ACCOMMODATION link for optons.
The registration fee is $100, payable by credit card only. (Argonne employees can pay through XINK.) The registration fee covers entrance to all sessions and breaks. No meals will be provided.
The workshop dinner is schedule for 7:30pm Wednesday, 15 May 2019, and will be held off-site at Topaz. All participants are welcome to attend and bring guests. The cost of the dinner is $55 per person (which does not include alcohol), and is payable by credit card at the time of registration. Entrée options are provided during registration.